Thursday Evenings Starting September 21 | 6:00pm | GH Campus
Cost $30 per Couple or $50 per Couple with Childcare
Parenting is one of the hardest things we endeavor in. Ask your own parents if they think they did everything right and the answer is assuredly, “absolutely not!” We know that we won’t be able to do everything right, but one thing is sure, If God calls us to it, he will give us the power to do it. God gives us the greatest example of parenting being our Heavenly Father, but he also gives us so many practical things in scripture to make sure that we parent, lead, discipline, and enjoy our children with Jesus at the core of it all. So if you are parents of teenagers, just became parents, or looking to be parents someday in the future, we’d invite you to take this 8 week class to develop a Christ centered strategy for your home.