Membership at Harvest is a lot more than just attending church, it’s being on the team here with the united goal for the glory of God through gospel centered teaching, worship, community and multiplication. Membership at Harvest is saying, “I belong here, this is my church home.” Hebrews 10:23-25 says believers are meant to belong together in community, and we want to provide that community in three ways: worshiping, walking and working with Christ. Membership is aligning with and affirming the teaching of our church and sharing the same ministry goals as Harvest. It’s sharing responsibility in caring for and loving one another in this community. It’s submitting in transparency with one another in accountability in the context of small group as well as teaming together to serve the body of Christ in our church. If you feel that God is calling you to take this step of membership at Harvest, simply follow the steps below.



If you have attended Harvest for a minimum of 4 months as well as connected in serving and faithfully attending a Harvest small group, please fill out this Membership Application/Covenant and return it to the church. 




A pastor will review your application and contact you to arrange a membership interview either in person or by phone. 




Your application will be under review by church leadership and upon approval, you will receive a letter in the mail welcoming you to the membership of our church. 




Periodically, throughout the year, we will review our system and check in on our member’s status of attendance, small group, and serving. If needed, in response to this review, you may receive a call from a pastor to talk through these areas. 

Members will go through a re-commitment process every three years and asked if they would like to continue their membership at our church. A pastor will call to walk through this process at that time.